Yep! I'm getting a brand-spankin' new studio! I've just hired a builder and will be building it from scratch. I'm so excited! The building will look similar to the photo seen here and will be placed right next to the beautiful log home my fiance built himself. Yes...that's right...I'm engaged folks! I know, I know...I've kept you somewhat in the dark and am jumping around a bit here, so as difficult as it may be, try to follow me...
I met a wonderful, extremely handsome, intelligent...(he has his MBA from George Washington University), witty, strong...(well, you get the idea) man named Eric - back in October while going through my divorce. Now, I certainly didn't plan on rushing off and marrying the first nice guy I met after divorcing a husband of 18 years, but Eric has turned out to be the love of my life so I'm jumping back on the horse much sooner than I ever intended or expected! I was perfectly prepared to date many jerks before meeting "Mr. Wonderful", but was fortunately spared those experiences.
Eric began building a log home on a beautiful 3 acre parcel in rural Pennsylvania about 2 years ago. He's done everything himself (with the help of his father) while working a full-time job. He is now working on the finishing touches including kitchen cabinets made completely from scratch. He's amazed me with his artistry and talent. I'll include some interior photos soon, but have included an exterior photo here for you to see the house in progress. (Eric would want you to know that the foundation will be covered in stone and that much landscaping is in the plans, too!)
Between the two of us, we have four children...my two boys and his two girls. That's right...we're a modern day "Brady Bunch"! So, needless to say, we have limited space for my studio in the home...which brings us to the need for a separate studio on the property.
So I think I've brought you full circle. If not, I'll add a few footnotes in the morning when I'm a bit more bright-eyed (and the glass of wine I'm currently drinking has worn off!) and can properly proof-read my ramblings.
In a nutshell...life is good and we're plugging along here at Sherri Blum Designs. The boys and I will be moving to our permanent home in Gardners, PA with Eric and the girls in early to mid June. The studio construction is slated to begin in early July and I promise I'll keep you posted on the progress and will include lots of pics! I'll end with stating that I truly believe in divine intervention and that God himself sent Eric to me when I needed him most. I'm happy...our four children get along beautifully and are happy as well. Life is good, folks and good things really do come to good people!
Hi Sherri!
Wow! Congratulations to your new endeavor!!! What a very exciting "New" time in your life! I wish you ALL the best! Can't wait to see your new studio!
~Miss Kris~
Thanks so much, Kris! You've been so supportive and kind. It means alot to me!
What a great new start for you and your family- I wish the best to you! I love your plan for your new studio- how great is that! I will have to stop back by to see how it comes along.
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